Category: Politics

Will Kamala Harris Win? Pt. 2 (Polling Analysis Edition)

“The polls are wrong!” Typically, this is one of the last exaltations of a losing campaign. As failing campaigns close, candidates, staffers, and all involved will do anything to convince voters that the polls aren’t exposing their weaknesses but instead are hiding their pending victory. This repetitious pattern usually works . . . until it […]

How Business Strategy Explains Why Democrats Lose?

Democratic losses can often be shocking and confusing. For example, in 2010, former Sen. Scott Brown shocked Democrats when he defeated former Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley for the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s seat.[i] It was a surprise loss that endangered President Obama’s Affordable Care Act push.[ii] In another example, Democrats lost every toss-up U.S. […]

What’s the Deal with Student Loan Cancellation?

Let me tell you something . . . I’m tired of this debate. The student loan cancellation debate has gone on for years, and in my opinion neither side tackles the issue correctly. Personally, I support total student loan cancellation. Not only would I benefit greatly from the policy, but for the reasons stated below […]

What Is the Point of a Moderate Democrat?

This post could literally go anywhere. Despite attempts to focus, it still might go everywhere. This post will address how to win elections (where no great consensus lives), what motivates certain voting groups (where no great consensus lives again), and how that is changing (guess what! . . .  where no great consensus lives). To […]